Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Some Sewing for Kids DONE!!

Okay, so really these are pretty old, by about a month, I just never got them off the camera and posted! :) finally getting some odd jobs done before school hits! Of course it is rather ironic though, seeing that as a stay at home mom with a first time Kindergardener and a 1st time preschooler, I will actually have more alone time to get things done (Lilly below is 1 and takes a morning nap!)

Okay, so lilly is sporting an Ottobre summer edition "toffee" top and "hennia" pants. Didn't go great, but I have had compliments on it and I guess it is decent.

Here is my crazy Kindergardener Alex(andra) sporting her mama made swimsuit...bound with FOE, material from www.chezami.com (whom is now having a super sale....but I don't know if I am going to get any...ah....I don't need any, I don't need any!!!)
Both are Ottbre patterns, a tank and undies combo--but it worked! :)

And finally, I haven't left out my little man....Isaac--going to preschool for the first time next month....he is 3 and in love with super heros--so I made his Tshirt with Joanne fabric of BUzz lightyear and his shorts too....both from ottobre--"Ahoy" shorts and "snug fit" Tshirt--some summer issues. both in 92
I actually made myself a Tank Top and it looks great, but I need to wash it and get DH to take a picture of me in it before I post it! Off to try and get my Alex to help me make Banana Bread in the BREADMAKER....because here in Indiana, it is too hot and steamy to open up that oven!!! AHHH!

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